Apr 12
Written By Kyle Mitchell

Would You Rather have $1 Million or No Social Anxiety?

Video Summary:

I found a post on the Social Anxiety subreddit entitled “Would you rather receive 1 million dollars or be cured from social anxiety?”  I thought the answer would be heavily one sided…but it’s not.  Lots of people make good points on taking the money and there’s also good points on people taking the cure for social anxiety instead of the money.  Which would you choose?


You've heard of the game, would you rather it consists of thought-provoking questions like, would you rather have more time or more money? Would you rather have the ability to rewind or pause your life? Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long? I got a better one for you. Would you rather receive 1 million or be cured from social anxiety?

Before you answer, I want to let you know that for the purposes of this video, we're gonna change the word cure in this question. Social anxiety can't be cured. We all have social anxiety to some capacity. Anxiety is not something that you can remove. Nor do you really want to because it is responsible for keeping you alive and safe.

So I digress to rephrase the question as, would you rather have 1 million or never be negatively impacted by social anxiety? Huh? There, I feel better now. Let's see what some of the redditors are saying here. Amil, I don't like people that much.

When Sushi who replies, Why do so many Redditors have these goofy names? I guess they like sushi anyways, but what good is money? If you're too anxious to do anything, spend it all on video games, hobbies at home, and takeout, I think then you'd just be trading money for inevitable depression. This was exactly my thought.

Money isn't gonna make your life better mentally. It'll be nice at first for sure, just to be able to buy extravagant things or know that your bills are taken care of. But eventually it's gonna get stagnant. It's gonna get boring, and you're gonna get used to it. And that is when the depression will set in.

Look at what happens to people who, who win the lottery. Most of them go bankrupt. And if you go bankrupt, I'm gonna make a wild claim that you're probably not in the. Best space mentally. Before continuing on with this comment, I just want to ask you all to please subscribe. If you're watching my videos and enjoying them, please subscribe.

So you'll see the upcoming videos that are coming and oh boy, do I have some good ones for you. Tizz, all the money is going to run out. So many things involve people and that social anxiety problem would still be there. True. Although I think this person in particular is kind of cool with just being rich and having social anxiety, and they seem to recognize that, I know the money's not gonna change my social anxiety, but at least I'll have money.

This person on the other hand, is a different story. They want to take the $1 million, but then take some of that money in a. Apply it towards getting help for their social anxiety. Solid money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you therapy. New T-shirt idea and therapy can help lead you to finding your happiness and taking back control from that.

Pesky social anxiety. This next group of comments is a unique way to view it. Scratch that. It's a very odd and contradictory way to view this. I'll just be a socially awkward and anxious millionaire when you have money. It's called being eccentric. Now I know what eccentric means, but honestly I have a hard time trying to describe it.

I guess I'd say it's when a. Rich person, just kind of over the top on material stuff. That's, that's how I would describe it. What does eccentric mean?

Okay, so I was far off, but So are they. Huh? I was about to type my answer, which was I'll take the money because then I'll be eccentric instead of just weird. Well, eccentric basically just means weird. In fact, when I clicked on this, Picture when I was looking up eccentric, it took me to this Wikipedia page with this description.

Yeah, you don't want to be the the ear trumpet guy

Cure. Cure. Cure, cure, cure, cure, cure, cure. I'm honestly shocked by the amount of people who are choosing to take the cure over the million dollars. Shocked Because when I first started making content about social anxiety, one of the first things that I asked, if you had blank, you could overcome social anxiety.

And you know what the number one answer I got was? Money. I like this guy's response for taking the cure. If I cured my social anxiety, I could literally make a million dollars guarantee. I literally have that much faith in myself. There's like a completely different person inside of me that could change my life for the better.

If the anxiety would just go away, there is the real you inside you, the anxiety that you feel isn't you. This is your anxious part taking control of you. That's why instead of saying overcome your social anxiety, I like to say take back control of your social anxiety because I want you to take back control of your social anxiety so it's not controlling you and you.

Are controlling you the full conscious, real you. In the last part of that comment, you may have heard me say that I wish the anxiety would just go away. This isn't the thought to have though. It's impossible. We are all biologically wired to have anxiety. Anxiety keeps us safe, it keeps us protected. It comes up when it thinks you are in danger.

So instead of thinking about how to make anxiety go away, start thinking about ways you can train your brain to realize, oh, I'm safe in this situation, so I don't need to bring anxiety out. See if you wanna learn more about training your brain and you haven't taken a look at my TEDx talk about social anxiety, go check it out because I give you a really good three step process on how to go from socially anxious to socially confident by taking control back from your social anxiety and doing that through training your no, which my talk has been out for just over a year now and has over.

50,000 views, so that's pretty cool. Thank you all for watching. If you haven't already, please consider subscribing, liking, commenting on this video. Let me know what you want to see next, and I will see you all next week.


My mission is to help 1 million teens go from socially anxious to socially confident.

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